1 |
Population 1801-1931, England and Wales |
22 |
2 |
Intercensal Movements, 1871-1931 (Numbers) |
24 |
3 |
Intercensal Movements, 1871-1931 (Percentages) |
24 |
4 |
Births and Deaths, 1921-1935 |
25 |
5 |
Migration - Extracted from Board of Trade Journal |
27 |
6 |
Intercensal Estimates of Population, England and Wales, 1921-1931 |
28 |
7 |
Census Populations and Approximate Decennial Increases per cent in England and Wales and in Certain Other Countries |
30 |
8 |
Densities at each Census, England and Wales, 1801-1931 |
31 |
9 |
1931 Population and Acreage of Regions |
32 |
10 |
Intercensal Movements of Population in Regions, 1911-1931 |
33 |
11 |
Administrative Counties (Including County Boroughs) Arranged in Order of Enumerated Population, 1931 |
35 |
12 |
Administrative Counties (Including County Boroughs) Arranged in Order of 1921-1931 Increase per cent of Population, and showing the Increase per cent of Population in the Intercensal Periods 1921-1931 and 1911-1921 Respectively and the Percentage Gain or Loss by Migration 1921-1931 |
35 |
13 |
Density of Population in Administrative Counties with Associated County Boroughs, England and Wales, 1921 and 1931 |
37 |
14 |
Comparison of Aggregates of Urban and Rural Districts, England and Wales, 1891-1931 |
38 |
15 |
Comparison of Resident Populations in Urban and Rural Aggregates, England and Wales, 1921 and 1931 |
39 |
16 |
Classification of Urban Districts by Population, England and Wales, 1921 and 1931 |
40 |
17 |
London - Population and Density |
41 |
18 |
London - Intercensal Changes |
42 |
19 |
Percentage Increase of Resident Population in England and Wales and Four Metropolitan Aggregates and Comparison between the Metropolitan Aggregates and England and Wales, 1921-1934 |
44 |
20 |
Populations and Triennial Increases - Metropolitan Areas |
46 |
21 |
1931 Position and Subsequent Triennial Increases - Metropolitan Areas |
47 |
22 |
Population 1911-1931 - Towns with Populations of Over 50,000, Arranged According to Size |
49 |
23 |
Population and Electorate (Excluding Universities), England and Wales, 1921 and 1931 |
56 |
24 |
Distribution of Population in Constituencies, 1911, 1921 and 1931 |
57 |
25 |
Constituencies with more than 100,000 Population per Member in 1931 |
58 |
26 |
Constituencies with less than 50,000 Population per Member in 1931 |
59 |
27 |
Constituencies returning two Members |
59 |
28 |
University Electors, 1921 and 1931 |
60 |
29 |
Institutional and Other Special Types of Population in England and Wales, 1921 and 1931 |
62 |
30 |
Institutional and other Special Types of Population - Age Distribution |
63 |
31 |
Comparative Urban and Rural Populations (1931 Census) of Areas as Constituted at Census Day, 1931, and after Completion of Changes Made Under the Local Government Act, 1929 |
64 |
32 |
Acreage and Population at Census of 1931 of Counties with their Associated County Boroughs as Constituted (1) at Census of 1931, and (2) after Completion of Changes under Local Government Act, 1929 |
67 |
33 |
1931 Census Populations of Regional Aggregates of County Boroughs and of altered County Boroughs as constituted (1) at Census of 1931, and (2) after Completion of Changes under Local Government Act, 1929 |
67 |
34 |
Number of County Boroughs, Metropolitan Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs, Urban Districts, Rural Districts and Civil Parishes in each County of England and Wales at the Census of 1931 and after Changes Under Local Government Act, 1929 |
69 |
35 |
Distribution of Metropolitan Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs and Urban Districts as Constituted at the Census of 1931, and after the Completion of Changes under the Local Government Act, 1929, According to the Size of their Respective Populations as Enumerated at the Census of 1931 in each case |
72 |
36 |
Numbers of Detached Parts of Civil Parishes by Counties, 1931 |
73 |
37 |
Excess of Females by Age Groups, England and Wales |
75 |
38 |
Highest and Lowest Proportions of Females per 1,000 Males in Metropolitan Boroughs, County Boroughs and Administrative Counties |
77 |
39 |
Countries arranged in Order of 1931 Sex Proportions, showing also 1921 Comparisons |
78 |
40 |
Population of England and Wales in Age Groups, 1931 and 1921, and its Distribution per 10,000 |
83 |
41 |
Population in Age Groups and Distribution per 1,000 Total Population at Successive Censuses, England and Wales, 1881-1931 |
86 |
42 |
Sex and Age Constitution of Sections of the Population |
88 |
43 |
Comparison of 1931 Census Populations at Ages over 10 with Survivors from the 1921 Census |
95 |
44 |
Ungraduated and Graduated Survivorship Ratios - Ages 0-30, 1931 |
98 |
45 |
Enumerated and Graduated Populations - Census 1931 |
98 |
46 |
Distribution by Sex, Age and Marital Condition, 1931 |
100 |
47 |
Marital Conditions: Proportions by Sex in Age Groups, England and Wales (1891-1931) and Geographical Regions (1931) |
102 |
48 |
Occupations of Males and Females aged 14 and over: Proportions According to Marital Condition and Industrial Status, England and Wales, 1931 |
112 |
49 |
Industry: Analysis by Industrial Status of Orders, Sub-Orders and Certain Numerically Important Industries, England and Wales, 1931 |
117 |
50 |
Percentages Occupied and Out of Work in Regions, Counties, County Boroughs, and Other Urban Areas with Populations Exceeding 50,000 |
119 |
51 |
Distribution of Population over 14 years of Age by Occupational Order and Region |
124 |
52 |
Fishermen: Distribution in 1921 and 1931 |
127 |
53 |
Fishermen: Distribution in Certain County Areas, 1891-1931 |
128 |
54 |
Agricultural Workers in Urban and Rural Areas of England and Wales, 1921 and 1931 |
129 |
55 |
Proportions of Agricultural Workers in the Rural Parts of Counties, 1931 |
130 |
56 |
Agricultural Occupations in the Aggregates of Rural Districts in Counties, 1931 |
131 |
57 |
Occupations of Males in and about Coal and Shale Mines, England and Wales, 1921 and 1931 |
132 |
58 |
Mining and Quarrying Occupations: Males: 1921 and 1931 |
133 |
59 |
Coal and Shale Miners: Occupational Distribution in Certain Counties |
137 |
60 |
Textile Workers: Geographical and Occupational Distribution |
143 |
61 |
Makers of Textile Goods and Articles of Dress: Distribution Summary |
144 |
62 |
Proprietors and Assistants in Retail Business, England and Wales |
149 |
63 |
Percentages of Private Families with Resident Domestic Servants to Total Private Families, England and Wales, Census 1931 |
152 |
64 |
Percentages Out of Work among Occupied Persons in Certain Industrial Groups and Industries, Classified by Sex and Age, England and Wales, 1931 |
158 |
65 |
Percentages Out of Work among Occupied Persons in Certain Occupations and Occupational Groups, Classified by Sex and Age, England and Wales, 1931 |
159 |
66 |
Percentages Out of Work among Occupied Persons by Regions, Administrative Counties, County Boroughs and Large Towns with Populations exceeding 50,000 |
160 |
67 |
Proportions Occupied per 1,000 Males and Females Enumerated, by Age and Civil Condition, England and Wales, 1911, 1921 and 1931 |
163 |
68 |
Birthplaces: Numbers and Proportions Born |
166 |
69 |
Birthplaces of Persons, Males and Females |
168 |
70 |
Birthplaces of the Population at Successive Censuses, England and Wales, 1851-1931 |
169 |
71 |
Birthplaces of the Population at Successive Censuses, England and Wales, 1851-1931 (Proportions per 100,000 persons) |
169 |
72 |
Regions, Administrative Counties (with Associated County Boroughs) and Large Towns with Highest Proportions of Natives of Scotland |
170 |
73 |
Regions, Administrative Counties (with Associated County Boroughs) and Large Towns with Highest Proportions of Natives of Ireland |
172 |
74 |
Persons Born in Dominions, Colonies, etc |
173 |
75 |
Regions, Administrative Counties (with Associated County Boroughs) and Large Towns with Highest Proportions of Colonial Born |
174 |
76 |
Persons Born in Foreign Countries, Distinguishing British Subjects and Foreigners, and Enumerated in England and Wales at each Census, 1851-1931 |
175 |
77 |
Birthplaces of Persons of Foreign Nationality 1911, 1921 and 1931 |
177 |
78 |
Distribution of Foreigners (Including Persons Born Abroad of Unstated Nationality) in England and Wales, Classified by Regions and in Certain Large Towns with High Proportions |
178 |
79 |
Regional Distribution of Foreigners |
179 |
80 |
Distribution by Sex, Age and Marital Condition per 10,000 Persons of Population Born in England and Wales Compared with Foreign Born Population |
180 |
81 |
Sex, Age and Marital Condition - Distribution per 10,000 Persons (Selected Foreign Countries) |
181 |
82 |
Proportional Number Speaking Welsh only and both English and Welsh, Wales and Monmouthshire, 1901-1931 |
184 |
83 |
Proportion per 1,000 of the Population Aged Three Years and Upwards at Certain Age Groups Returned as able to speak Welsh only and both English and Welsh, Wales and Monmouthshire, 1911, 1921 and 1931 |
184 |
84 |
Welsh Speaking Population, Proportion per 1,000 Persons Aged Three Years and Over in Counties, County Boroughs and Urban Areas with more than 50,000 Population |
185 |
85 |
Areas with Enumerated Population in Excess of Resident Population |
189 |
86 |
Areas with Resident Population in Excess of Enumerated Population |
190 |