1931 Census of England and Wales, General Report, Table 65 : " Percentages Out of Work among Occupied Persons in Certain Occupations and Occupational Groups, Classified by Sex and Age, England and Wales, 1931".

Order or Code Number Occupations Total 14 and Over 14 and 15 16 and 17 18- 20 21- 24 25- 29 30- 34 35- 44 45- 54 55- 59 60- 64 65- 69 70- 74 70 and over
II   Agricultural occupations 5.5 2.8 4.4 5.6 5.3 4.2 3.6 3.7 4.7 6.3 8.2 12.2 11.4 7.9
III   Mining and quarrying occupations 18.3 3.5 5.8 10.7 14.0 14.8 15.7 17.8 22.0 29.6 38.7 37.5 34.8 24.0
III 1 In coal and shale mines 18.3 3.5 5.6 10.4 13.9 14.8 15.7 17.8 22.5 30.2 39.7 38.8 36.0 25.2
  42 Hewers and getters 20.3 5.3 7.0 12.7 14.4 14.1 15.0 18.0 24.7 36.2 50.6 54.5 48.2 31.0
  43 Persons conveying material to the shaft 13.2 2.9 4.1 7.5 11.9 15.2 17.7 20.9 25.5 32.2 41.7 39.1 48.1 29.9
  44 Persons making and repairing roads 18.5 1.8 3.6 6.9 10.1 13.8 15.0 16.6 19.7 24.3 30.5 26.6 27.7 15.0
  47 Other workers below ground 21.5 2.9 7.0 13.8 15.5 18.1 19.4 20.4 22.9 28.4 37.2 32.2 31.7 26.2
  49 Other workers above ground 19.3 3.3 7.2 13.8 19.2 18.7 21.1 21.8 23.3 26.6 31.8 29.9 25.6 23.5
III 2 In metalliferous mines and workings 40.0 7.8 24.2 30.4 38.3 41.0 39.8 42.0 38.4 44.5 49.7 48.8 38.5 29.3
V   Makers of bricks, pottery and glass 12.7 3.3 4.9 9.2 12.6 10.7 9.8 11.2 14.0 19.8 27.0 27.9 18.6 9.6
VII   Metal workers (not electroplate or precious metals) 18.7 4.7 8-2 13.8 23.7 18.8 16.6 16.5 19.7 24.8 31.5 33.7 28.7 19.3
VII 4 Smiths and skilled forge workers 19.7 4.0 8.1 15.0 23.1 20.3 16.8 16.4 18.3 22.8 29.8 31.8 28.9 20.2
VII 5 Metal machinists 22.5 5.3 10.6 18.5 30.9 21.3 18.6 208 25.5 30.4 37.7 43.1 40.4 26.3
VII 6 Fitters 15.8 3.0 5.8 10.3 20.9 16.0 14.1 13.9 17.7 23.2 30.7 35.7 31.7 25.2
  192 Boilermakers, platers and iron shipwrights 36.2 8.1 12.9 15.1 46.8 41.4 40.4 33.3 34.7 43.7 56.6 63.8 50.9 24.8
  218 Riveters 49.2 11.9 17.2 29.1 49.8 48.0 50.5 49.7 51.9 55.5 63.4 71.1 60.9 40.7
IX   Electrical apparatus makers and fitters (not elsewhere enumerated) and electricians 8.8 3.3 5.5 8.9 14.1 9.5 7.1 6.8 8.1 9.7 18.8 25.4 23.3 11.5
XII   Textile 'workers 18.7 4.5 9.2 15.6 20.3 18.2 17.0 16.5 19.3 23.3 27.9 28.4 23.9 14
  315 Spinners and piecers 25.6 5.0 9.5 17.2 26.3 27.5 27.8 26.1 30.4 32.4 41.8 44.4 41.3 40.3
  320 Weavers 25.6 9.3 16.8 24.4 25.3 22.7 22.6 23.4 27.3 33.2 36.2 31.0 28.5 26.8
XIII   Makers of textile goods and articles of dress 8.7 2.0 4.4 8.1 10.2 8.0 7.1 6.3 8.1 11.3 15.0 15.2 12.8 9.9
XIV   Makers of foods, drinks and tobacco 8.8 2.4 5.5 9.1 10.4 7.8 6.7 6.5 8.3 11.1 15.6 17.9 14.8 10.2
XIV 2 Makers of alcoholic drinks 10.4 4.2 6.0 11.2 13.1 10.3 9.4 7.8 9.2 12.4 15.7 14.2 13.2 7.5
XV   Workers in wood and furniture 15.2 2.7 5.2 10.4 20.1 16.3 13.5 12.8 14.1 19.0 23.7 28.1 28.6 18.1
XVII   Printers and photographers 6.9 1.5 2.5 5.0 10.8 7.6 5.6 4.9 6.2 8.4 12.7 14.6 14.3 10.4
XVIII   Builders, bricklayers, stone and slate workers ; contractors 14.2 3.7 7.0 13.1 15.0 13.4 12.6 12.3 12.7 15.8 20.5 26.4 25.2 18.5
XIX   Painters and decorators 13.4 2.9 5.2 9.8 14.6 12.0 11.2 10.4 12.1 16.4 22.1 31.1 34.0 28.8
XXII   Persons employed in transport and com- munication 10.6 3.6 9.3 14.9 15.7 11.3 8.9 8.4 9.7 12.0 17.0 25.7 22.1 15.8
XXII 1 Railway transport workers 3.2 2.6 5.9 12.4 9.9 3.7 2.5 2.0 1.8 2.2 3.0 16.7 8.8 4.2
XXII 2 Road transport workers 9.3 3.2 8.0 12.2 12.0 8.8 7.1 6.8 8.9 12.4 17.7 22.6 22.2 17.9
XXII 3 Water transport workers 26.4 11.8 23.9 35.2 36.3 29.6 25.7 22.7 21.9 24.7 29.2 35.3 29.8 21.0
XXVI   Persons profes- sionally engaged in enter- tainments and sport 17.7 3.6 8.3 13.5 16.2 16.6 16.5 17.4 19.9 23.9 25.3 26.0 26.6 20.2
  835 Actors 37.2 253 28.7 26.4 30.1 30.9 30.8 34.0 43.7 52.2 49.0 55 61.5 47.1
  836 Musicians 38.0 11.7 40.5 40.1 39.0 33.3 34.2 35.7 40.7 45.7 47.4 44.6 36.5 30.2
XXXI   Other and undefined workers 29.0 17.6 19.8 30.0 33.4 293 27.3 26.3 27.9 30.8 36.6 39.7 36.2 30.9
  920 General labourers (so described) 36.0 12.5 22.8 35.9 38.8 35.7 34.4 33.5 35.2 38.2 44.2 46.6 42.3 33.3
  930 Labourers (so described) 32.2 9.4 18.4 30.5 34.3 31.8 31.5 31.0 31.9 34.9 41.1 45.4 40.9 36.2
V   Makers of bricks, pottery and glass 17.1 3.0 6.0 12.3 18.7 21.9 22.0 19.9 21.6 26.4 31.5 17.1 4.3 -
VII   Metal workers (not electroplate or precious metals) 15.9 4.8 7.6 13.0 17.2 22.2 21.5 21.9 23.4 26.3 27.6 17.5 14.6 10.5
XII   Textile workers 21.2 4.7 8.0 12.7 18.9 24.0 25.6 25.9 28.5 30.8 33.9 26.4 25.0 18.7
  313 Card comb and frame tenters, etc. 23.7 5.9 7.5 13.3 22.2 27.8 26.5 26.4 29.2 31.1 34.1 31.5 32.8 27.3
  315 Spinners and piecers 24.8 3.8 4.8 12.2 24.0 32.8 34.2 35.6 38.5 42.2 46.2 35.5 26.3 21.7
  317 Winders, reelers, etc. 20.5 4.6 7.6 12.7 18.2 21.6 24.7 26.3 28.8 30.7 34.2 28-6 24.0 23.7
  320 Weavers 26.0 6.7 12.2 17.4 22.9 27.4 29.0 28.8 32.1 35.5 39.5 29.4 32.6 23.8
XIII   Makers of textile goods and articles of dress 5.5 1.9 3.6 5.0 5.4 6.5 6.4 5.8 6.6 8.3 9.6 8.3 5.8 6.8
XIV   Makers of foods, drinks and tobacco 8.2 3.0 5.6 7.6 9.5 11.1 10.6 8.1 8.6 7.6 7.5 3.9 3.2 1.2
XIV 2 Makers of alcoholic drinks 11.9 1.4 5.3 6.8 12.5 16.9 17.3 14.0 13.0 12.5 15.4 14.3 - -
XIX   Painters and decorators * 14.6 3.9 5.7 10.9 17.1 19.3 19.3 18.3 21.2 24.1 23.0 19.0 14.7 8.1
XXVI   Persons profes- sionally engaged in enter- tainments and sport 28.9 21.5 27.4 28.7 30.7 28.7 29.7 26.6 29.8 26.6 27.9 29.5 12.9 8.9
  835 Actresses 40.5 26.3 33.9 37.9 40.1 39.5 41.5 41.2 51.7 48.0 58.0 63.5 47.4 30.0
  836 Musicians 32.1 16.7 32.1 37.7 36.3 30.8 31.6 32.1 33.0 27.4 26.5 23.2 6.9 5.9
XXVII   Persons engaged in personal service 6.8 4.6 7.1 7.5 7.6 7.3 6.6 6.0 6.3 7.0 7.7 6.4 4.2 3.2
  850 Domestic servants (indoor) 7.0 5.0 7.6 7.5 7.2 6.5 6.2 6.1 7.2 8.4 9.6 8.4 5.9 4.6
  865 Barmaids 13.2 3.0 6.3 10.7 12.2 13.8 14.2 14.8 17.6 18.3 17.0 11.9 4.0 5.0
  866 Waitresses 14.2 4.8 9.1 12.9 14.6 15.1 15.9 15.8 17.7 20.5 23.5 15.7 14.3 13.3
  870 Laundry-workers, etc. 5.6 2.3 3.2 4.3 5.3 7.1 7.1 6.6 7.4 8.1 9.0 6.9 5.2 5.8
  874 Charwomen, office cleaners 6.9 4.6 6.7 9.4 7.1 8.0 5.7 5.5 6.5 8.0 9.4 8.9 8.1 10.3

* Largely french polishers and pottery painters and decorators.