Searching for "AINSWORTH"

We could not match "AINSWORTH" in our simplified list of the main towns and villages, or as a postcode. There are several other ways of finding places within Vision of Britain, so read on for detailed advice and 18 possible matches we have found for you:

  • If you meant to type something else:

  • If you typed a postcode, it needs to be a full postcode: some letters, then some numbers, then more letters. Old-style postal districts like "SE3" are not precise enough (if you know the location but do not have a precise postcode or placename, see below):

  • If you are looking for a place-name, it needs to be the name of a town or village, or possibly a district within a town. We do not know about individual streets or buildings, unless they give their names to a larger area (though you might try our collections of Historical Gazetteers and British travel writing). Do not include the name of a county, region or nation with the place-name: if we know of more than one place in Britain with the same name, you get to choose the right one from a list or map:

  • You have just searched a list of the main towns, villages and localities of Britain which we have kept as simple as possible. It is based on a much more detailed list of legally defined administrative units: counties, districts, parishes, wapentakes and so on. This is the real heart of our system, and you may be better off directly searching it. These administrative units are not currently included within "places" and exactly match your search term:
    Unit Name Type of Unit Containing Unit (and Type)
    AINSWORTH LG_Ward Parish-level Unit RADCLIFFE MB/UD (Local Government District)
    It may also be worth using "sound-alike" and wildcard searching to find units with names similar to your search term:

  • If you are looking for hills, rivers, castles ... or pretty much anything other than the "places" where people live and lived, you need to look in our collection of Historical Gazetteers. This contains the complete text of three gazetteers published in the late 19th century — over 90,000 entries. Although there are no descriptive gazetteer entries for placenames exactly matching your search term (other than those already linked to "places"), the following entries mention "AINSWORTH":
    Place name County Entry Source
    Ainsworth Lancashire Ainsworth , township and eccl. dist. (Christchurch), SE. Lancashire, 2½ miles SW. of Bury -- township, 883 ac., pop. 1729. Bartholomew
    AINSWORTH, or Cockey Lancashire AINSWORTH , or Cockey, a chapelry in Middleton parish, Lancashire; at Bradley-Fold r. station, 2½ miles E of Bolton Imperial
    BALLYBUNNIAN, or BALLYBUNYAN Kerry Ainsworth, Esq., of Dublin, in 1834. Some of the mineral substances of part of the cliffs ignited spontaneously in 1753, and burnt Lewis:Ireland
    BETHNAL GREEN London Ainsworth, the lexicographer, kept a school in it. The parish church is a plain brick structure, built in 1746. Another Imperial
    BOLTON Lancashire Ainsworth, the lexicographer, for both pupil and master. The Church of England institute was built in 1853; and is a fine Imperial
    BURY Lancashire Ainsworth, and Walmersley-cum-Shuttleworth, and part of the parish of Radcliffe; the subdistrict of Pilkington, containing part of the township Imperial
    CLEATOR Cumberland Ainsworth. Esq. There are two factories, and extensive collieries and ironworks. The living is a vicarage in the diocese of Carlisle Imperial
    CUCKFIELD Sussex Ainsworth's "Rookwood Hall. " Ockenden House was the residence of Timothy Burrell and Sir William Burrell, the antiquaries. Leigh Pond Imperial
    DUNMOW (Little) Essex Ainsworth, in 1855. An Augustinian priory was founded at Little Dunmow, by Lady Ingar Baynard, in 1104; and some portions Imperial
    ECCLES Lancashire Ainsworth, the lexicographer, was a native; and the Right Hon. W. Huskisson, after sustaining a deadly accident at the opening Imperial
    HALLIWELL Lancashire Ainsworths. Smithill's hall is the seat of Peter Ainsworth, Esq.; stands beside a lovely glen; and has, near the dining Imperial
    Inverawe, New or Tirvane Argyll Loch Awe, 10 miles SE of Taynuilt. In 1881 it was sold for £12,500 to John Stirling Ainsworth, Esq. Groome
    Manchester Lancashire Ainsworth (1805-1882) received education. Central Manchester now consists of immense piles of warehouses and offices, ha their extent unequalled Bartholomew
    MANCHESTER Lancashire
    Ainsworth, a native, the author of "Jack Sheppard'' and other works; Thomas de Quincey, author of "Confessions of an English Imperial
    MIDDLETON Lancashire Ainsworth, Ashworth, Birch, Birtle, Great Lever, and Rhodes, are separate benefices. Three dissenting chapels are in Birtle, and three in Rhodes Imperial
    POPLAR Middlesex Ainsworth, the Shakespearian commentator Stevens, and two Ridleys, father and son, one of themthe author of " Tales of the Genii Imperial
      Ainsworth's map]—is a large stream which rises in the snowy peak of Pushtikur, being separated merely by an intervening RussianGaz
    It may also be worth using "sound-alike" and wildcard searching to find names similar to your search term:

  • Place-names also appear in our collection of British travel writing. If the place-name you are interested in appears in our simplified list of "places", the search you have just done should lead you to mentions by travellers. However, many other places are mentioned, including places outside Britain and weird mis-spellings. You can search for them in the Travel Writing section of this site.

  • If you know where you are interested in, but don't know the place-name, go to our historical mapping, and zoom in on the area you are interested in. Click on the "Information" icon, and your mouse pointer should change into a question mark: click again on the location you are interested in. This will take you to a page for that location, with links to both administrative units, modern and historical, which cover it, and to places which were nearby. For example, if you know where an ancestor lived, Vision of Britain can tell you the parish and Registration District it was in, helping you locate your ancestor's birth, marriage or death.