Percentage Unemployed by Category of the Insured
Date: | Source: |
1932 - 1939 | Ministry of Labour, Local Unemployment Index (Ministry of Labour) , |
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The Ministry of Labour's inter-war Local Unemployment Index mainly reported rates of unemployment, as percentages, and these are presented here. The reports do list the total number of persons insured, enabling the actual number of the unemployed to be calculated, but they do not break down the number of insured people by sex and age, so these rates are the only information we have. Note that between 1927 and 1936 the LUI was known to be imprecise because the count of the unemployed included (a) workers insured u...
nder the Agricultural Scheme, (b) workers aged between 14 and 16 and (c) workers aged 65 and over, while the count of insured workers used as a divisor in calculating the unemployment rate did not. In January 1937 a 'New Series' of the LUI was begun in which the number recorded as unemployed excluded the above categories. All reports included figures for change in the total percentage unemployed over the preceding twelve months, and those given in the 1937 reports are based on an adjusted figure for the previous year; it is therefore possible for 1936 to compare the rates originally published with corrected rates for the same places and dates. The figures held here are the unadjusted rates.