Exclusive use of a bath

No chart.

Year Exclusive use of bath Shared access to bath No access to bath
1951 20,641 Show data context 2,729 Show data context 26,836 Show data context
1961 35,665 Show data context 1,131 Show data context 15,352 Show data context
1971 47,718 Show data context 508 Show data context 7,159 Show data context
1991 64,530 Show data context 206 Show data context 667 Show data context
Date: Source:
1951 [ERROR: authority is ''SRC'' but auth_note value of EW1951COU2_M25 does not appear in SRC_TAB]
1961 - 1991 Census of Population
1971 [ERROR: authority is ''SRC'' but auth_note value of EW1971COU2_M25 does not appear in SRC_TAB]

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nCube definition

In 1951 and 1971, the census asked whether households had exclusive, shared or no use of a "fixed bath". In 1991, the question was slightly altered to include showers as well as baths; and by then there was no need to specify "fixed".

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, Carmarthenshire District through time | Housing Statistics | Exclusive use of a bath, A Vision of Britain through Time.

URL: https://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/unit/10064247/cube/HOUS_HAVE_BATH

Date accessed: 19th February 2025