A vision of Britain from 1801 to now.
Including maps, statistical trends and historical descriptions.
Type: | Ancient District |
Identifier: | ANC_DIST |
Number of units in system: | 1829 |
Geographical Level: | 9 (Middle-level District) |
ADL Feature Type: | countries, 3rd order divisions |
May be part of: | Division of Ancient County , Ancient County |
May have as parts: | Parish-level Unit , Ancient Vill |
May have preceded: | Local Government District |
Possible status values: | Borough , Township (AD_Township) , Barony (Bny) , Palatine Seat (AD_PalS) , Ward (Wd) , Ancient Town (AncTn) , Hundred , Soke , Franchise (Fh) , Wapentake (Wap) , Lordship (Ldsp) , Cinque Port (CnqPt) , Ville (AD_Ville) , County of Itself (CntyOfIt) , Division (Div) , Ainsty , Liberty , Commote (Cmt) , City (AD_City) , Town (AD_Town) , Half-Hundred (HalfHundred) |