Paul Hentzner, Travels in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth

Paul Hentzner was a German lawyer, born at Crossen, in Brandenburg, in 1558. He died in 1623. In 1596, aged thirty-eight, he became tutor to a young Silesian nobleman, with whom he set out in 1597 on a three years' tour through Switzerland, France, England, and Italy. After his return to Germany in 1600 he published, at Nuremberg in 1612, a description of this journey, written in Latin, as Itinerarium Germaniae, Galliae, Angliae, Italiae, cum Indice Locorum, Rerum atque Verborum. This tour is therefore only slightly later than Camden's Britannia, which it refers to. Much later, Horace Walpole arranged for the English part of Hentzner's tour to be translated by Richard Bentley and published in 1797, with notes by the translator.