Searching for "NEW BARNET"

We could not match "NEW BARNET" in our simplified list of the main towns and villages, or as a postcode. There are several other ways of finding places within Vision of Britain, so read on for detailed advice and 17 possible matches we have found for you:

  • If you meant to type something else:

  • If you typed a postcode, it needs to be a full postcode: some letters, then some numbers, then more letters. Old-style postal districts like "SE3" are not precise enough (if you know the location but do not have a precise postcode or placename, see below):

  • If you are looking for a place-name, it needs to be the name of a town or village, or possibly a district within a town. We do not know about individual streets or buildings, unless they give their names to a larger area (though you might try our collections of Historical Gazetteers and British travel writing). Do not include the name of a county, region or nation with the place-name: if we know of more than one place in Britain with the same name, you get to choose the right one from a list or map:

  • You have just searched a list of the main towns, villages and localities of Britain which we have kept as simple as possible. It is based on a much more detailed list of legally defined administrative units: counties, districts, parishes, wapentakes and so on. This is the real heart of our system, and you may be better off directly searching it. These administrative units are not currently included within "places" and exactly match your search term:
    Unit Name Type of Unit Containing Unit (and Type)
    NEW BARNET LG_Ward Parish-level Unit EAST BARNET UD (Local Government District)
    It may also be worth using "sound-alike" and wildcard searching to find units with names similar to your search term:

  • If you are looking for hills, rivers, castles ... or pretty much anything other than the "places" where people live and lived, you need to look in our collection of Historical Gazetteers. This contains the complete text of three gazetteers published in the late 19th century — over 90,000 entries. Although there are no descriptive gazetteer entries for placenames exactly matching your search term (other than those already linked to "places"), the following entries mention "NEW BARNET":
    Place name County Entry Source
    ALBANS (St.) Hertfordshire ALBANS (St.) , a town, three parishes, a subdistrict, and a district in Herts. The town stands near the southern extension Imperial
    Barnet Hertfordshire Barnet , market town (ry. stations High Barnet and New Barnet), Chipping Barnet par., Herts, and Monken Hadley and South Mimms Bartholomew
    East Barnet Hertfordshire East Barnet , ½ mile SE. of New Barnet sta., Herts; P.O. See BARNET, EAST. Bartholomew
    ELY Cambridgeshire new design, at an estimated cost of upwards of £6, 000, as a memorial to the late Dean Peacock. The nave was built in 1150; is Norman; has thirteen bays, a lofty light triforium, of an arch in each bay beneath a larger arch, and a clerestory of three arches in each bay; and though plain and gloomy, derives striking effect from its size and height. The choir is chiefly early English; has three bays; exhibits a series of broad buttresses below, met by flying buttresses from the clerestory; posscsses much beauty in traceries, statue-niches, and crocketted pinnacles Imperial
    FINCHLEY Middlesex Barnet district, Middlesex. The village stands 4¾ miles NNW of Finchley-Road r. station; and has two stations of Finchley-East-End and Finchley and Hendon on the London and Edgware railway, a post office‡ under London N, and a police-station. The parish includes also part of Whetstone village. Acres, 2, 899. Real property, £22, 571. Pop. in 1851, 4, 120; in 1861, 4, 937. Houses, 942. The property is much subdivided. Finchley common, a tract of upwards of 1, 000 acres, was long noted as a resort of highwaymen; and was also the place where Imperial
    FINSBURY Middlesex New Church, with 520 s.; 7 of isolated congregations, with 1, 766 s.; 3 of Latter Day Saints, with 700 s.; 1 of the Catholic and Apostolic church, with 300 s; and 4 of Roman Catholics, with 2, 010 s. -The division is part of Ossulstone hundred; and excludes part of the borough, but includes Old Artillery Ground, Fryern-Barnet Imperial
    HERTFORDSHIRE, or Herts Hertfordshire New River. Mineral springs are at Barnet, Clothall, Northaw, and Watton. Small pendicles on the NW and N border consist Imperial
    KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES Surrey new cemetery, at Norbiton, is spacious, and has two chapels. The town has a post office‡ under London SW, two railway stations with telegraph, two banking offices, and seven chief inns; is a seat of Lent assizes, quarter sessions, petty sessions, and county courts, and a pollingplace; and publishes a weekly newspaper. A weekly market is held on Thursday; fairs are held on WhitThursday and the two following days, on 2 and 3 Aug., and on 13, 14, and 15 Nov.; and that in Nov. is, next to Barnet Imperial
    LONDON London
    New Brentford, Chiswick, Ealing, Heston, Isleworth, and Northolt; the p. curacies of Turnham-green, St. Mary Magdalene-Chiswick, ChristchurchEaling, Spring-grove, Hounslow, St. John-Isleworth, Norwood, and Southall-green. The deanery of Enfield contains the rectories of Finchley, Friern-Barnet Imperial
    MIDDLESEX Middlesex New river, the Old river, the Brent, and the Cran. The rocks, or geognostic formations, over almost the entire area, are lower eocene, chiefly London clay; and they are extensively overlaid or mixed with alluvial gravel, and have been found to contain great numbers of fossils. Mineral springs are at Acton, Hampstead, Clerkenwell, and other places. About 150,000 acres are either arable land, meadow, or pasture. The soil is variously clayey, sandy, and gravelly; and has, in most parts, been worked into a fertile loam, by manuring and culture. Most farms average about 100 acres, but many comprise from Imperial
    New Barnet Hertfordshire New Barnet , ry. sta., Herts, in SE. of co., 1½ mile E. of Barnet by road and 9 miles Bartholomew
    New Southgate Middlesex partly also in Fryern Barnet par., Middlesex - dist., pop. 3006; the vil. is 3 miles SE. of New Barnet sta. Bartholomew
    Oakleigh Park, Whetstone Hertfordshire Oakleigh Park, Whetstone , ry. sta., 1½ mile SE. of New Barnet sta., Herts. Bartholomew
    new act, is divided into 3 wards, and governed by a mayor, 6 aldermen, and 18 councillors. The borough boundaries are the samemunicipally as parliamentarily; and include the two city parishes, the cathedral precinct, Strood-Intra and Media, and small parts of the parishes of Chatham and Frindsbury. Corporation revenue, about £4, 490. Amount ofproperty and income tax charged in 1863, £6, 103. Electors in 1833, 973; in 1863, 1, 584. Pop. in 1851, 14, 938; in 1861, 16, 862. Houses, 3,074. The sub-district comprises the two city parishes, the cathedral precinct, and a large part Imperial
    Southgate, New Middlesex also in Fryern Barnet par., Middlesex - dist., pop. 3006; the vil. is 3 miles SE. of New Barnet sta. by rail. Bartholomew
    YORK Yorkshire Barnet,- and again in 1478. Several of the events of these years figure in the dramas of Shakespeare, and in the novels of Lord Lytton. Richard III. visited the city in 1483; and is said, by some writers, but not on good grounds, to have been crowned in its cathedral. Henry VII. made a grand entry into it, in his progress in the north, in 1489; and his daughter Margaret was here in 1503. The rebels against the dissolution of monasteries took the city in 1536; but were speedily subdued, and their ringleaders executed. Henry VIII. made it the seat Imperial
    It may also be worth using "sound-alike" and wildcard searching to find names similar to your search term:

  • Place-names also appear in our collection of British travel writing. If the place-name you are interested in appears in our simplified list of "places", the search you have just done should lead you to mentions by travellers. However, many other places are mentioned, including places outside Britain and weird mis-spellings. You can search for them in the Travel Writing section of this site.

  • If you know where you are interested in, but don't know the place-name, go to our historical mapping, and zoom in on the area you are interested in. Click on the "Information" icon, and your mouse pointer should change into a question mark: click again on the location you are interested in. This will take you to a page for that location, with links to both administrative units, modern and historical, which cover it, and to places which were nearby. For example, if you know where an ancestor lived, Vision of Britain can tell you the parish and Registration District it was in, helping you locate your ancestor's birth, marriage or death.