
Seaham  County Durham


In 1870-72, John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Seaham like this:

SEAHAM, a township and a parish in Easington district, Durham. The township lies on the coast, and on the Sunderland and Seaham railway, 1 mile N of Seaham-Harbour, and 5 S by E of Sunderland; gives the title of Viscount to Earl Vane; contained an ancient village of its own name, now extinct; contains now the village of Seaham-Colliery; and comprises 1, 498 acres ofland, and 208 of water. ...

Real property, £6, 363; of which £2,040 are in mines, and £1,050 in railway s. Pop. in 1851, 729; in 1861, 2, 591. Houses, 437. The increase of pop. arose from the opening of collieries, and from increase of trade in connexion with Seaham-Harbour. The parish contains also the township of Seaton and Slingley, and comprises 3,079 acres. Post-town, Sunderland. Pop. in 1851, 929; in 1861, 2, 827. Houses, 480. The manor belonged to the Bowes; passed to the Collingwoods and the Milbankes; and, with S. Hall, belongs now to Earl Vane. The living is a vicarage in the diocese of Durham. Value, £380.* Patron, Earl Vane. The church is chiefly early English, and was the marriage-place of Lord by ron. The p. curacy of New Seaham is a separate benefice. S E A H A M-C O L L I E R Y, a village in Seaham parish, Durham; adjacent to the Sunderland and Seaham railway, 5 miles S of Sunderland. It takes its name from extensive coal-mines; is inhabited almost entirely by colliers and their families, forming a pop. of about 1, 500; has a station on the Seaham railway, and connexion with other railway s; and contains the church of New Seaham, a colliery school, and a reading-room.

Seaham through time

Seaham is now part of Easington district. Click here for graphs and data of how Easington has changed over two centuries. For statistics about Seaham itself, go to Units and Statistics.

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Seaham, in Easington and County Durham | Map and description, A Vision of Britain through Time.


Date accessed: 07th February 2025

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