In 1887, John Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles described Cheltenham like this:
Cheltenham, watering-place, parl. and mun. bor., and par., E. Gloucestershire, 7 miles NE. of Gloucester and 114 miles NW. of London -- par. and mun. bor., 4203 ac., pop. 43,972; parl. borough, pop. 50,842; 4 Banks, 7 newspapers. Market-days, Thursday and Saturday; is finely situated in a valley watered by the river Chelt, and sheltered on the E. ...
and NE. by the Cotswold Hills. C. is a fashionable and educational resort, and is one of the healthiest, cleanest, and cheapest places in the kingdom. It owes its prosperity to its mineral springs, which were accidentally discovered in 1716. They are four in number, and are all saline, with the exception of one, which is chalybeate. In 1788 George III. derived much benefit from their use, and C. immediately came into favour. It is now a town of handsome squares, crescents, and terraces, while its promenades and pump-rooms are reckoned among the finest in England. Among the educational institutions of C. are a foundation grammar-school, established 1574; a proprietary college. opened 1842; a ladies' college; and a training college for male and female teachers. The bor. returns 1 member to Parliament; its parl. limits were extended in 1895, to include part of Charlton Kings par.
Cheltenham through time
Click here for graphs and data of how Cheltenham has changed over two centuries. For statistics for historical units named after Cheltenham go to Units and Statistics.
GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Cheltenham in Gloucestershire | Map and description, A Vision of Britain through Time.
Date accessed: 18th February 2025
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