In 1870-72, John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Uckfield like this:
UCKFIELD, a small town, a parish, and a district, in Sussex. The town stands on the river Ouse, on the Lewes and Tunbridge-Wells line of railway, 8 miles NE by N of Lewes; enjoys pleasant environs; is a seat of petty sessions and a polling place; carries on malting, brewing, brick and tile making, and a trade in corn and timber; and has a head post-office,‡ a r. ...
station with telegraph, a hotel, a corn exchange, a later English church enlarged in 1840, an Independent chapel built in 1866, Baptist and Wesleyan chapels, an endowed grammar-school, national schools, a workhouse, charities £11 and 14 acres of land, and fairs on 14 May and 29 Aug.The parish comprises 1,717 acres. Real property, £6,196; of which £15 are in gasworks. Pop. in 1851, 1,590; in 1861, 1,740. Houses, 308. There are several mansions, several neat villas, and two observatories. The living is a rectory in the diocese of Chichester. Value, £365.. Patron, the Archbishop of Canterbury.The district contains 11 parishes, and is divided into 4 sub-districts. Acres, 74,230. Poor rates in 1853, £10,624. Pop. in 1851, 17,631; in 1861, 17,260. Houses, 3,296. Marriages in 1863, 112; births, 630,-of which 54 were illegitimate; deaths, 285,-of which 86 were at ages under 5 years, and 21 at ages above 85. Marriages in the ten years 1851-60, 1,037; births, 5,906; deaths, 3,305. The places of worship, in 1851, were 14 of the Church of England, with 4,541 sittings; 4 of Independents, with 847 s.; 3 of Baptists, with 650 s.; 8 of Wesleyans, with 865 s.; and 3 undefined, with 920 s. The schools were 14 public day-schools, with 1,136 scholars; 49 private day-schools, with 1,081 s.; 16 Sunday schools, with 1,257 s.: and 2 evening schools for adults, with 43 s.
Uckfield through time
Uckfield is now part of Wealden district. Click here for graphs and data of how Wealden has changed over two centuries. For statistics about Uckfield itself, go to Units and Statistics.
GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Uckfield, in Wealden and Sussex | Map and description, A Vision of Britain through Time.
Date accessed: 12th September 2024
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