In 1887, John Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles described Larne like this:
Larne, seaport town, par., and township with ry. sta., E. co. Antrim, at the entrance of Larne Lough, on the North Channel, 24 miles N. of Belfast - par., 2210 ac., pop. 4522; township (partly in Inver par.), 216 ac., pop. 4000; P.O., T.O., 3 Banks, 2 newspapers. Market-day, Wednesday. The harbour (with ry. ...
sta., Larne Harbour), which has been much improved, is 1½ mile distant from the town. A steamer, carrying mails and passengers, sails daily between Larne and Stranraer (on the Scottish coast, 39½ miles distant), this being the shortest sea passage between Great Britain and Ireland; and communication has been established with all the principal railways. The State Line ocean steamers call at Larne to embark passengers for America. Traffic by steamer is regularly carried on between this port and Ayr, Ballina, Dublin, Glasgow, Liverpool, and Londonderry. The mfr. and bleaching of linen are carried on to a small extent; there is a very extensive flour mill. Larne was originally called Inver. Edward Bruce landed here in 1315. The ruins of Olderfleet Castle are in the vicinity.
GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Larne, in and County Antrim | Map and description, A Vision of Ireland through Time.
Date accessed: 12th February 2025
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