
Broxmouth  East Lothian


In 1882-4, Frances Groome's Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland described Broxmouth like this:

Broxmouth, a seat of the Duke of Roxburghe in Dunbar parish, Haddingtonshire, at the mouth of Broxburn rivulet, 1½ mile SE by E of Dunbar town. The mansion is modern, and has a finely embellished park, whose gently-sloping grounds are bounded by a sea-wall 1½ mile long. A little eminence called Cromwell's Mount, and crowned by a cedar of Lebanon, is supposed to mark Cromwell's station in the battle of Dunbar (1650); and in the grounds, too, are a Cedrus deodara planted by the Queen in 1878, an observatory, a lake of 4 acres, 5 vineries, -etc. ...

In Haddingtonshire the duke owns 3863 acres, valued at £6281 per annum. See Floors Castle.

Additional information about this locality is available for Dunbar

Broxmouth through time

Broxmouth is now part of East Lothian district. Click here for graphs and data of how East Lothian has changed over two centuries. For statistics about Broxmouth itself, go to Units and Statistics.

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Broxmouth in East Lothian | Map and description, A Vision of Britain through Time.


Date accessed: 13th February 2025

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