
County Limerick  Ireland

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In 1887, John Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles described County Limerick like this:

Limerick.-- co. of Munster province; bounded N. by river Shannon and cos. Clare and Tipperary, E. by co. Tipperary, S. by co. Cork, and W. by co. Kerry; greatest length, E. and W., 53 miles; greatest breadth, N. and S., 32 miles; average breadth, 22 miles; circuit about 175 miles, of which 35 are washed by the Shannon; area, 680,842 ac. ...

(18,474 water), or 3.2 per cent, of the total area of Ireland; pop. 180,632, of whom 95.0 per cent, are Roman Catholics, 4.3 Episcopalians, 0.2 Presbyterians, and 0.3 Methodists. A portion of the co. on the E. belongs to the Golden Vale. There are mountains along the S. border. The principal streams are the Maigue, Deal, Mulkerne, Commogue, and Morning Star, all flowing into the Shannon. The surface generally consists of a finely undulating plain, well watered, and highly productive. Much of the soil is a rich loam. Live stock and agricultural produce are largely exported. (For agricultural statistics, see Appendix.) Limestone prevails; clay, slate, and red sandstone occur in various parts of the co. Limerick gives the title of Earl and Viscount to the family of Percy. The co. comprises 14 bars.- Clanwilliam, Connello (Lower and Upper), Coonagh, Coshlea, Coshma, Glenquin, Kenry, Kilmallock, Owneybeg, North Liberties, Pubblebrien, Shanid, and Small County; 131 pars.; the parl. and mun. bor. of Limerick (1 member) and the towns of Newcastle and Rathkeale. For parliamentary purposes the county is divided into 2 divisions - viz., West Limerick and East Limerick, 1 member for each division.

Vision of Ireland presents long-run change by redistricting historical statistics to modern units. However, none of our modern units covers an area close to that of County Limerick. If you want trends covering a particular location within the county, find it on our historical maps and then select "Tell me more".

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of County Limerick | Map and description for the county, A Vision of Ireland through Time.


Date accessed: 06th February 2025

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