Occupation or Social Class data from various dates organised into Social Classes for 2011 Local Authority Districts

Table ID:
SOC_REDISTRICTED     (1253121)
Occupation or Social Class data from various dates organised into Social Classes for 2011 Local Authority Districts
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Paula Aucott
The data cover the period 1951 to 2011.
Dates and times are identified by:


  1. The table covers England and Wales and Scotland.
  2. This table was generated from data from various years held in tables in the 'cen_soc' section, but also from earlier data on occupations. Not every column is populated in all years, dependent on the data available. It currently holds Social Class data for the following years:
    • 2011, GB: Counts of males by household from soc_2011_ew & soc_2011_s
    • 1991, GB: Counts of males 10% sample, multiplied by 10 when added to this table from soc_1991_ew
    • 1971, EW: Counts of males 10% sample, multiplied by 10 when added to this table from seg_1971_ew
    • 1971, S: Counts of males, from seg_1971_s


  1. Information about social class for women from 1971 backwards is limited, problematic or unavailable. Therefore this table only includes counts of males or counts of households (heads) to enable consistent representation.
  2. In 2011 and 2011 record Approximate Social Grades. These differ from earlier Social Class data as they combine the initial two categories and last two categories and splits the middle one.
    • Grade AB = 'Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional'
    • Grade C1 = 'Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial/administrative/professional'
    • Grade C2 = 'Skilled manual workers'
    • Grade DE = 'Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers; on state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers'
    Additionally the algorithm which created the 2011 Grades was different to the one which created 2001 Grades. This makes drawing direct comparisons difficult. See the Market Research Society descriptions for more information.
  3. Between 1961 and 1991 Social Economic Group (SEG) data was used (now modified to a classification known as 'NS-SeC'). The Social Classes in this table have been matched to SEG data as follows (based on 1971 SEG classifications):
    • 'A' = G3, G4
    • 'B' = G1_1_II, G1_2_II, G2_1_II, G2_2_II, G5_1, G7_II, G12_II, G13, G14
    • 'C_non' = G1_1_IIIN, G1_2_IIIN, G2_1_IIIN, G2_2_IIIN, G5_2, G6_IIIN, G7_IIIN, G8, G12_IIIN
    • 'C_man' = G1_1_IIIM, G1_2_IIIM, G2_1_IIIM, G2_2_IIIM, G7_IIIM, G9, G12_IIIM, G15_IIIM
    • 'D' = G2_1_IV + G6_IV + G7_IV + G10 + G12_IV + G15_IV
    • 'E' = G2_1_V + G11 + G12_V
    • 'un' = G16 (Members of the Armed Forces) and G17 (Inadequately described occupations)
    • 'Total' = All of the above SEG categories, excluding un containing G16 and G17.
  4. Anomalies in the social class groupings for 1971 are: (i)'foremen' normally assigned to class IV or V are placed in class III, (ii)'managers' normally in class IV or V are also placed in class III (except groups 003, 004 and 006) (iii) All other managers go into class II.
  5. Those not included in 1971 are the economically inactive who are classified as retired (over 65 and no longer working), socewives, students in educational establishments, those permanently sick, those not seeking or never have been employed, government trainees, au pairs and those who failed to answer the economic activity questions.
  6. The 1951 Census reported simply on 5 Social Class categories, identified as:
    • 'Social Class 1' (Professional, etc Occupations)
    • 'Social Class 2' (Intermediate Occupations)
    • 'Social Class 3' (Skilled Occupations)
    • 'Social Class 4' (Partly Skilled Occupations)
    • 'Social Class 5' (Unskilled Occupations)
  7. For all other dates, the data have had to be re-classified as well as re-districted, by assigning categories to the extensive Occupation Tables to classes using our Codebook look-up tables.
  8. Currently "In_caz" information is not being entered for England and Wales in 2011, GLA data is not being entered for any years.


  1. Derived data: the scripts used to generate these data have been checked carefully.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
soc_redistricted_pkey Primary key g_unit, year


The table has the following associated constraints:

soc_redistricted_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index
soc_redistricted_area_type_check Check ((((area_type)::text = 'COUNTRY'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'DISTRICT'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'GOR'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'MOD_REG'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'MOD_CNTY'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'NATION'::text)))
soc_redistricted_nat_source_check Check ((((nat_source)::text = 'Reported_total'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_redist'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_EnumD'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_Par'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_Ward'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_EW_and_Scot'::text)))

Columns within table:

nation Text string (max.len.=6). One or two-letter code identifying the part of the UK.
nat_source Text string (max.len.=28). Appears only for rows which are national totals, and then identifies how it was derived. This will ideally be "Reported_total".
area_type Text string (max.len.=16). This column identifies the geographical level:
  • DISTRICT, i.e. an individual local authority.
  • MOD_CNTY, i.e. an English county.
  • GOR, i.e. computed total for a Government Office Region (or Wales).
  • NATIONAL, i.e. an overall total for England and Wales, Scotland or Great Britain. The nat_source column records how such totals were obtained.
area_code Text string (max.len.=18). ONS code for local authority, as used in the 2011 census tables.
area_name Text string (max.len.=40). Name of the local authority district, as extracted from the AUO.
g_unit Integer number. ID number for local authority area, as held in the AUO.
geogcode_1991 Text string (max.len.=9). The ONS code for the local authority as used in the 1991 census. Set only for districts known to have unchanged boundaries between 1991 and 2011, and currently set only for the London Boroughs. Where this is set, the 1991 data here are directly computed, without any GIS-based redistricting.
year Integer number. Year of the census.
m_class_a Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Class A.
m_class_b Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Class B.
m_class_c Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Class C.
m_class_d Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Class D.
m_class_e Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Class E.
m_class_ab Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Classes A and B.
m_class_c_non Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Class C (Grade C1), skilled, but none manual jobs.
m_class_c_man Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Class C (Grade C2), skilled manual jobs.
m_class_de Floating point number. Count of Males in Social Classes D and E.
m_class_un Floating point number. Count of Males whose Social Class was unclassified.
m_class_tot Floating point number. Total number of Males with assigned social class. Generally computed as a sum of the reported Classes.
f_class_a Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Class A.
f_class_b Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Class B.
f_class_c Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Class C.
f_class_d Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Class D.
f_class_e Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Class E.
f_class_ab Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Classes A and B.
f_class_c_non Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Class C (Grade C1), skilled, but none manual jobs.
f_class_c_man Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Class C (Grade C2), skilled manual jobs.
f_class_de Floating point number. Count of Females in Social Classes D and E.
f_class_un Floating point number. Count of Females whose Social Class was unclassified.
f_class_tot Floating point number. Total number of Females with assigned social class. Generally computed as a sum of the reported Classes.
g_authority Text string (max.len.=28). Source identifier.
g_auth_note Text string (max.len.=408). More detailed information on source, including IDs for specific census tables.
g_data_precision Text string (max.len.=12). Data precision identifier; E = Exact, GBE = Estimated by GBH project, GBR = Redistricted by GBH project, S10 = sample 10%.
g_data_status Text string (max.len.=6). Code specifying access status: 'P' for public by default.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in correct order.