Variable labels appearing in the reports of the Agricultural Census

Table ID:
AGCEN_VARIABLES     (1246506)
Variable labels appearing in the reports of the Agricultural Census
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall


  1. This table holds text strings that appear in the reports of the Farm Census, as transcribed by Humphrey Southall in 2007 checking back directly with the reports and, where necessary, replacing variable labels created by other transcribers.


  1. This table was created to assist in marking up farm census data against the GBH Data Documentation System.
  2. This table is designed for use with the separate Scottish reports that appeared in the twentieth century. For the relevant years (currently 1931 and 1961), there are separate rows identified by the 'nation_flag' column, even when the Scottish categories are the same as those used for England and Wales; the Scots generally used different classifications for crops, but sometimes used the same ones for animals. The nation_flag value also identifies categories used in the Irish data.


  1. These strings match those held in the table 'agcen_cnty'.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
agcen_variables_idx Unique report_label, first_year, last_year, nation_flag

Columns within table:

row_num Integer number. ID number holding rows in correct order.
report_label Text string (max.len.=164). The label for the variable as listed in the original report.
first_year Integer number. First year for which the text string should be mapped to the cell reference.
last_year Integer number. Last year for which the text string should be mapped to the cell reference.
meas_unit Text string (max.len.=16). The units in which the variable is measured, for example 'Acres'.
nation_flag Text string (max.len.=8). This column contains 'SCO' for variable labels appearing in the Scottish Farm Census after it began reporting different statistics, 'IRL' for labels appearing in Irish data, and is null otherwise.
cellref Text string (max.len.=52). Cell reference for the variable, as defined in the Data Documentation System.