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Castleton, a farm, -containing remains of an ancient royal palace, in Fordoun parish, Kincardineshire, 4 miles NW of Laurencekirk. The palace was the place where John Baliol, in 1296, resigned his crown to Edward I. of England, and probably was destroyed before the close of the wars of the succession. It stood on a small ridge, at an elevation of about 70 feet above adjoining levels; was surrounded by a morass, which lay undrained till the early part of the present century; and commanded a view of the finest part of the Howe of Mearns. It appears to have been of a quadrangular form, and to have possessed considerable military strength; but now is represented only by foundations or substructions. The ancient town of Kincardine, once the capital of the county, now represented by a small decayed village, stood adjacent to the palace.
(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)
Linked entities: | |
Feature Description: | "a farm, containing remains of an ancient royal palace" (ADL Feature Type: "agricultural sites") |
Administrative units: | Fordoun ScoP Kincardineshire ScoCnty |
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