A vision of Britain from 1801 to now.
Including maps, statistical trends and historical descriptions.
Themes are used in the Vision of Britain system to organise all our statistical data into a small number of broad categories, often identified by icons on the web site.
The Database, which everything else is contained within:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
DB | VoB Database |
Rates, for mapping and for comparing areas :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
R_IND_AG | Agriculture |
R_IND_MAN | Manufacturing |
R_IND_MIN | Mining |
R_IND_BUS | Finance & Business Services |
R_IND_PUBLIC | Public Services |
R_TRESS_INDEX_SIC2007 | Tress Index of economic specialisation |
R_OCC_AGRIC_PERSONS | Percent in Agriculture |
R_OCC_AGRIC_FAM | Percent in Agriculture |
Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
N_IND_ORDER_1931_SEX | Industrial Order (1931) by Sex |
N_INDUSTRY_GEN | Standard Industrial Classification (2007) |
N_INDUSTRY_GEN_SEX | Standard Industrial Classification (2007), by sex |
N_MANUF_GEN | Workers in Manufacturing |
N_MANUF_GEN_SEX | Workers in Manufacturing, by sex |
N_INDUSTRY_2001 | Standardised Industry Data |
N_INDUSTRY_TOT | Total employed in all industries |
N_INDUSTRY_TOT_SEX | Total employed in all industries by sex |
N_IND_SECTOR_GEN | Simplified Industrial Structure |
N_SIC1968_SEX | Standardised Industrial Classification (1968) by Sex |
N_IND_ORDER_1951_SEX | Industrial Order (1951) by Sex |
N_CAM_SECTOR | Working age population by Sector |
N_IND_TRESS_INDEX | Components of the Tress Index |
N_OCC_3WAY_PERSONS | All occupied persons, in 3 Categories |
N_OCC_3WAY_FAM | All occupied persons, in 3 Categories |
N_OCC_3WAY_TOT | Total persons occupied |
N_OCC_PAR1831 | Males aged 20 & over, in 9 occupational categories |
N_OCC_PAR1831_SIMP | Males aged 20 & over, in four industrial categories |
N_OCC_IRL1841_SEX | Persons aged 15+ by Sex & Irish 1841/51 Occupational Classification |
N_OCC_IRL1841_SEX_TOT | Occupied persons aged 15 & over, by sex |
N_OCC_ORD1861_OVER20 | Persons aged 20 & over by Sex & 1861 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1911_SEX | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1911 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1911_AGESEX | Persons Aged over 10 by Sex, Age & 1911 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1911_AGESEX_S | Persons Aged over 10 by Sex, Age & 1911 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1921 | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1921 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1931 | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1931 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1951 | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1951 Occupational Order |
N_IND_BOOTH1841_SEC | Occupation data classified by the Booth main sectors plus sex |
N_IND_BOOTH1841 | Occupation data classified by the Booth system plus sex & age |
N_OCC_RAW1841 | Unclassified occupations, categorised by sex & age |
N_OCC_ORDER1881 | Occupation data classified into the 24 1881 'Orders', plus sex |
N_OCC_RAW1881 | Detailed 1881 occupational statistics, by gender |
Variable Groups, bringing together related variables :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
VG_OCC | Occupation |
VG_IND | Industry |
Variables, defining what data was gathered for :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
V_INDUSTRY_TOT | Employed in all Industries |
V_IND_TRESS_INDEX | Components of the Tress Index of industrial specialisation |
V_CAM_SECTOR | Cambridge Group Industrial Sector |