Variables serve as the dimensions of nCubes, and are generally based on the questions on forms such as the census schedule. However, in the aggregate data held in the Vision of Britain system we do not store the individual responses but counts of the number of each kind of response, so variables are made up of categories, such as age groups.
Themes, which organise the database into broad topics:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
T_POP | Population |
Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
N_OCC_RAW1881 | Detailed 1881 occupational statistics, by gender |
N_PREV_GENDER_10YRS | Males & Females (10 years earlier) |
N_PREV_GENDER_20YRS | Males & Females (20 years earlier) |
N_AGESEX_105UP | Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 105 |
N_AGESEX_100UP | Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 100 |
N_AGESEXMAR_100UP | Age, Sex & Marital Status data in 5-year bands to age 100 |
N_AGESEX_100UP_X | Age & Sex Structure in 5-year bands to age 100 (extra detail for ages 10-20) |
N_AGESEX_95UP | Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 95 |
N_AGESEX_90UP | Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 90 |
N_AGESEX_85UP | Age & Sex Structure to age 85 & up |
N_AGESEX_85UP_U1 | Age & Sex Structure in 5-year bands to age 85 (under 1s separate) |
N_AGESEX_85UP_10YRS | Age & Sex Structure in mostly 10-year bands to age 85 (under 1s separate) |
N_AGESEX_65UP_10YRS | Age & Sex Structure in approximate 10 year bands |
N_AGESEX_U5 | Age & Sex Structure data in single years under 5 |
N_AGESEXMAR_U5 | Age & Sex Structure data in single years under 5 |
N_AGE_GROUP_SEX | Grouped Age Structure |
N_AGE_FERTILE | Fertile Age |
N_BIRTH_SEX | Births by sex |
N_GENDER | Males & Females |
N_DEATH_SEX | Deaths by sex |
N_AGEMORT_2001 | Mortality by Age & Sex |
N_CoD_DS_1850s | Decennial Cause of Death by Age & Sex |
N_CoD_DS_1850s_U5 | Decennial Cause of Death by Age & Sex for under 5s |
N_CoD_DS_1860s | Decennial Cause of Death by Age & Sex |
N_CoD_DS_1860s_U5 | Decennial Cause of Death by Age & Sex for under 5s |
N_CoD_DS_1900s | Decennial Cause of Death by Age |
N_CoD_DS_1900s_U5 | Decennial Cause of Death by Age & Sex for under 5s |
N_INDUSTRY_GEN_SEX | Standard Industrial Classification (2007), by sex |
N_MANUF_GEN_SEX | Workers in Manufacturing, by sex |
N_INDUSTRY_TOT_SEX | Total employed in all industries by sex |
N_SIC1968_SEX | Standardised Industrial Classification (1968) by Sex |
N_IND_ORDER_1951_SEX | Industrial Order (1951) by Sex |
N_IND_ORDER_1931_SEX | Industrial Order (1931) by Sex |
N_OCC_IRL1841_SEX | Persons aged 15+ by Sex & Irish 1841/51 Occupational Classification |
N_OCC_IRL1841_SEX_TOT | Occupied persons aged 15 & over, by sex |
N_OCC_ORD1861_OVER20 | Persons aged 20 & over by Sex & 1861 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1911_SEX | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1911 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1911_AGESEX | Persons Aged over 10 by Sex, Age & 1911 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1911_AGESEX_S | Persons Aged over 10 by Sex, Age & 1911 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1921 | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1921 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1931 | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1931 Occupational Order |
N_OCC_ORD1951 | Persons of Working Age by Sex & 1951 Occupational Order |
N_CENSUS_ACTIVE_GEN | Economically Active by Sex |
N_WORKING_AGE | All of Working Age, by Sex |
N_CENSUS_EMPL | Census Unemployment by Sex |
N_EDUC_LEVEL_1951_SCOT | Age at Termination of Education |
N_EDUC_LEVEL_1961 | Age at Termination of Education |
N_EDUC_LEVEL_TOT_SEX | Educational Level Total |
N_READ_WRITE_SEX_5UP | Literacy by Gender |
N_REL_IRL1911_SEX | Religion by Sex' |
N_IND_BOOTH1841_SEC | Occupation data classified by the Booth main sectors plus sex |
N_IND_BOOTH1841 | Occupation data classified by the Booth system plus sex & age |
N_OCC_RAW1841 | Unclassified occupations, categorised by sex & age |
N_OCC_ORDER1881 | Occupation data classified into the 24 1881 'Orders', plus sex |
N_BIRTH_SEX_LEGIT | Births by legitimacy & sex |
Categories, defining the values available for each variable :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
C_SEX_1 | Male |
C_SEX_2 | Female |