Selected Subjects: Migration
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Although the movement of population was not included as a census question and therefore migration as a subject does not appear in census tabulations there have been a few tables included in various reports. The information generally relates to immigration or emigration and was obtained from other Official sources. Prior to 1911 there are only two tables, In 1911 and 1931 migration is shown for various types of area but only as a net gain or loss after excess or deficiency of births compared with deaths has been taken into account. The question was still not asked but some thought was given to the regional distribution of population and the emerging pattern of change. See Following an ever growing demand from universities, local authorities and government departments for an inquiry to throw further light on movement within the country, a question on migration was introduced at the 1961 Census. It was designed to obtain information about the amount, direction and characteristics of population movement within the country and the number of years a person had lived at his usual residence. Information was collected only on a sample basis and this enquiry therefore appeared on the E10/W10 schedule (England and Wales) as question N, which reads as follows: N (for all persons) Was this person's usual address a year ago (ie on 23 April 1960) the same as that indicated in column C? Write 'yes' or 'no' at (i). If 'yes' state at (ii) how many years ago he/she moved to that address. (If he/she has lived there since birth write 'birth'). If 'no
state at (iii) the full usual address on 23 April 1960. Notes and examples of completed entries were issued in a separate leaflet and note 11 therein on change of address (column N) instructs: The most substantial product resulting from the answers to the three questions was the Tables relating to people refer to the resident population assigned to their area of usual residence. Tables relating to families and households are restricted to persons enumerated at their usual residence. The area of usual residence is naturally dependent on statements made in answer to questions C (usual residence) and N on the schedule and in completing question C, people were instructed to give their home address, not the term-time address for school children, students, etc and members of HM Forces not enumerated in camp or on board ship were told to give the address of their married quarters or other home address as their usual residence. All tables exclude people who stated that they were usually resident outside England and Wales, and with a single exception ( In considering figures of migrants it should be remembered that a 'migrant' is anyone whose usual address at Census date (23 April 1961) was different from the usual address on 23 April 1960 and thus does not, by any means, give a true reflection of the total number of movements during the year. Anyone who moved more than once during the year will have been counted only once and then as moving from the usual address on 23 April 1960 to that on 23 April 1961 irrespective of any intermediate moves he may have made. An 'immigrant' to an area was resident there on 23 April 1961 but resident outside the area on 23 April 1960. An 'emigrant' from an area was resident there on 23 April 1960 but resident elsewhere in England and Wales by 23 April 1961; the tabulations exclude any moves elsewhere. 'Wholly moving private households' are those households enumerated at their usual residence of which all members present on census night (if aged 1 or over) had moved in the previous year; but they need not have all moved from the same former area. Whereas in a 'wholly moving family' the members must all have moved from the same area of former usual residence. It must also be remembered that in tables relating to households and families these groups will not correspond to those in the Also tables classifying the economically active population by industry include the out of work classified by former industry. This differs from the practice in other volumes where usually only persons in employment are classified by industry. For full definitions see A not unimportant point of procedure on the coding of the migration data at the Census Office should be noted. In the course of the processing it was necessary to assign the replies for people who had given apparently inconsistent answers to question N or who had not answered the question at all. People coded 'not stated' only appear in Persons who stated they were not migrants but failed to give a duration of residence (some four per cent of the sample population) are again generally excluded from the tabulations. All ten per cent sample figures are subject to sampling error and in the course of comparison of empirical sampling error with conventional sampling error using a small sub-sample of 1,923 households, the effect of clustering was apparent. Clustering is a situation where people of a particular type or with particular characteristics are grouped in households instead of being distributed randomly over the whole of the population. The clearest examples of this were the few figures available relating to migration, which all showed high ratios. This is because migration, or lack of it, tends to be a household characteristic. A lot of migrants were members of migrant families or households. Thus 4.9 million people changed their address in the year before census; 1.1 million complete families moved, which means that at least 2.2 million people moved in families, ie in groups. The same point is illustrated by No specific information is available for migrants but users of the tables are reminded that all the data is from the ten per cent sample and subject to bias particularly when another axis eg occupation is involved. The post-enumeration survey confirmed the number of migrants and there was no evidence that the number of non-migrants was seriously in error, but the distribution by duration of residence was slightly suspect. In addition to the main volume and leaflets for England and Wales, tables appear in the There were several changes in the procedures for the Sample Census of 1966. Possibly the most important of these was the introduction of a new question on five year migration. Details of the usual address five years previously (23 April 1961) were sought on the same lines as the corresponding infor¿mation for one year migration had been obtained in 1961, and was in fact, repeated in 1966. The form of words used in 1966 was not identical with the 1961 questions but the general intention was quite obviously the same. The siting of the one year migration question (with the five years enquiry immediately following) was considered improved in that it now came directly after the basic instruction on usual residence ('if the person usually lives here, write 'Here', etc). The enquiry on duration of residence was not repeated. A change of some importance is to the definition of population included in the published tables. In 1961 the rule was quite inflexible in that every¿one who stated a former usual residence outside England and Wales was excluded, which seems perhaps somewhat restrictive. However, in 1966 this was broadened to the extent that migrants moving to and from Scotland are also included and similarly migrants to and from England and Wales are shown in the Scottish tables. Also two tables relate to migrants whose usual address was previously outside Great Britain. There is also a major change in the persons included in households and families. Because the 1966 schedule contained questions about absent persons usually resident in the household it was possible to retain the household structure and base the tables on enumerated persons present and resident in the household, plus absent persons; whereas the tables relating to people are based on enumerated persons present and usually resident plus persons enumerated elsewhere but usually resident in the specified area. In the tables the concept of a 'wholly moving family' remains unchanged from 1961 in that all members except children under 1 (or under 5) are migrants and have the same area of previous residence. But the concept of a 'wholly moving household' was dropped and the tables contain information on all members of the household providing one at least is a migrant. Immigrants from abroad are also included in the tables relating to households and families. Finally, there is a slight difference between the concept of 'economically active' in the In addition to the main For some tables which were restricted in the published reports data is available in unpublished form. The tables are broadly the same although in some cases there is less information and in others much more and there was no thresholding on certain tables which for England and Wales were limited either by size of population or number of migrants.4.5 Migration
4.5.1 1851 - 1931
1851 - 1901
1911 - 1931
4.5.2 1951 - 66
Post-enumeration survey
Changes in definition
Publications - England and Wales
Unpublished data
Publications - Scotland
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys/General Register Office, Guide to Census Reports: Great Britain 1801-1966 (London: HMSO, 1977) Crown Copyright. The Office of National Statistics has granted the Great Britain Historical GIS Project permission to computerise this publication and include it in this web site. All other rights reserved.