Parish level statistics for Scotland taken from the 1901 census

Table ID:
PAR_1901_S     (1252463)
Parish level statistics for Scotland taken from the 1901 census
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paul Ell
The data are for the single year 1901.


  1. This table holds a transcription of Table 1 The number of families, of houses inhabited, uninhabited, and building; the number of the total population and of persons of each sex, the number of persons, aged three years and upwards, speaking Gaelic only, and Gaelic and English; and the number of rooms with windows for each registration district on 31st March, 1901; and for comparison, the number of families, houses, males, females, and both sexes, and rooms with windows in 1891 under section I Scotland in civil counties and parishes, the parishes being in alphabetical order under each county and arranged in two sub-divisions taken from the Population tables of Volume I of the 1901 Census of Scotland.
  2. The only data not included in the transcription are summary county data which can easily be computed from the data here, and data for "Entire Parishes" which can be computed by adding together the figures where the parish has been split between different counties.
  3. These data were originally transcribed by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis at the Queen's University of Belfast in 2002. Additional checking and tiding up was done by Paula Aucott in February 2016.
  4. The original printed table differentiated between different kinds of parish:
    • parishes which contained Parliamentary or Royal Burghs where names were printed in large capitals
    • parishes which contained police burghs and towns of 2,000 inhabitnats or more where names were printed in small capitals
    • normal parishes
    This transcription does not incorporate this detail and therefore no indicators of burghs are included.
  5. The footnotes from the printed table were not transcribed.


  1. The following types of unit appear in the table and have been systematically matched to the AUO
    • Parish (882 areas).
  2. Originally this table was listed as being a table containing registration districts and counties, but further investigation proved that it actually contains parish figures and the correct table reference is given above.
  3. The Scottish cities are not differentiated in the table at this date and are listed simply as parishes (and burghs) within their respective associated county, Aberdeen in Aberdeenshire (and partly Kincardine), Dundee in Forfar (now Angus), Edinburgh in Edinburgh (now Midlothian), and Glasgow in Lanarkshire.


  1. CDDA described their error checking process as follows: 'Each county contains summary data for all fields. These data were compared with summed OCR data for all places within the county and any differences between the two sums investigated.'
  2. All parishes within the table had their total population figures for 1901 and 1891 compared to the summed total of the male and female populations in the respective years to ensure consistency.
  3. All counts for all parishes were summed and compared against the Scotland totals (not transcribed) to ensure no transcription errors. The following consistency checks were conducted:
    • Population figures for both 1891 and 1901; Total, males, females
    • Housing figures for both 1891 and 1901; Inhabited, Uninhabited, Building, number of separate families, number of rooms
    • Language figures for 1901; Gaelic only, Gaelic & English
    No errors were identified.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
par_1901_s_pkey Primary key rec_num
par_1901_s_idx Unique sco_cnty, area_type, area_name, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

par_1901_s_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

sco_region Text string (max.len.=24). Name of Division
sco_cnty_num Integer number. Number of County
sco_cnty Text string (max.len.=34). Name of County
area_num Integer number. Number of Place
area_name Text string (max.len.=64). Name of place, in this instance a Civil Parish.
area_type Text string (max.len.=14). Type of area; these actually appear in the header for the column.
part_of Text string (max.len.=6). Set to "p" to indicate the parish is split between counties
area_acres Integer number. [No description available]
sep_fam01 Integer number. Separate Families 1901
inh_1901 Integer number. Inhabited houses 1901
unh_1901 Integer number. Uninhabited houses 1901
bih_1901 Integer number. Building houses 1901
ma_1901 Integer number. Male population 1901
fe_1901 Integer number. Female population 1901
pop_1901 Integer number. Total population 1901
gaelic01 Integer number. Persons speaking Gaelic only 1901
gaeleng01 Integer number. Persons speaking Gaelic and English 1901
rm_wid01 Integer number. Rooms with one or more windows 1901
sep_fam91 Integer number. Separate Families 1891
inh_1891 Integer number. Inhabited houses 1891
unh_1891 Integer number. Uninhabited houses 1891
bih_1891 Integer number. Building houses 1891
ma_1891 Integer number. Male population 1891
fe_1891 Integer number. Female population 1891
pop_1891 Integer number. Total population 1891
rm_wid91 Integer number. Rooms with one or more windows 1891
notes Text string (max.len.=1004). Notes added after data capture
cnty_unit Integer number. Unit ID for the county containing the current area, as defined in the AUO.
g_unit Integer number. Unit ID for the current unit, which is a Parish.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in order.