Age. Part II Scotland

Full Title:
Abstracts of the Answers and Returns made pursuant to Acts 3 & 4 Vict. C. 99, and 4 Vict. C. 7, intituled respectively "An Act "for taking an Account of the Population of Great Britain," and "An Act to amend the Acts of the last Session for taking an Account of the Population." Age Abstract, 1841. Part II Scotland
Short Title:
Age. Part II Scotland
Year of Publication:
Command Number:
BPP Reference:
1843 xxiii, 2, 25

Tables in the main report

Table No: Title Page(s)
[1] Age Abstract  

Tables in Appendix A

Table No: Title Page(s)
[1] Table showing number of children enumerated at each year of Life from Birth to 14 inclusive, in Scotland, and in the Principal Towns thereof. 150 - 151